Een bevriend echtpaar die in Tsjechië woont en werkt gaan aanstaand weekend spullen brengen voor de vluchtelingen in Slovenië, die tegen de Kroatische grens aan zitten. Via de organisatie IH Help willen ze de vluchtelingen helpen in Rigonce die al weken op verschillende plekken en onder slechte omstandigheden bivakkeren.
Ze hebben zelf al enkele spullen al gekocht en gekregen, maar vragen ook om financiële hulp zodat ze onder andere de gouden isolatiedekens (2,50 per stuk) en slaapmatjes kunnen kopen. Wij hebben zelf al een paar tientjes gedoneerd en vragen of jullie dit ook willen doen! Je gift kan je nu overmaken op hun privérekening: IBAN NL62 RABO 0354 6235 67 t.a.v. D. Bottema o.v.v. gift vluchtelingen. Warm aanbevolen!
Naschrift: Verslag van 1 november 2015:
Dear all, We finally started driving at 14.45 from Brno to Sentilj Slovenian/Austrian border. We bought so much that it was unbelievable. Thank you all so much for your support! We bought: 400 emergency blankets, 15 sleeping bags, 25+ blankets, 1077 0,5l water, 90 0,25l kids juices , Bread, Cheese, 30 kg of apples, 200 filled croissants, 120 breakfast biscuits packages, 100 musli bars, That’s what I remember
It was hard to get really in to the place where we could drop off our stuff, but after 15 minutes waiting we where aloud to go in! We where able to drop the stuff 50m from the place where a lot of refugees were waiting! So the volunteers where able to reach it out, not all directly but they could give what was needed!
We took a stroller for example and within 2 min there was already someone who really needed it! A dad was holding his 7jr old sick for a long time so he was able to put his kid in! So great how small things change a lot….
On the way back we took 4 students that where helping at the border for a couple days! It’s great to see how a lot of students are reaching out! Just great. We where blessed by helping, thank you all again for the small and big gifts it was great to be able to give away!
We probably ask you again 😜Greets Jacoli